Online Academy Benefits

Sales can be hard, but it doesn't have to be. Take this course on your own time to master your sales techniques.

  • 100% Online

  • Complete on Your Own Schedule

  • Certificate on Completion

Key Takeaways

  • Become the Ultimate Service Provider for Your Customers.

  • Difficult Sales Made Easy.

  • Increase Your Current Sales Level By 50% in One Year.

Sales Academy Testimonials

Hear from past students of Dave Romeo's Sales Academy.

Who Can Attend The Sales Academy?

This series is for people who are serious about being successful, or significantly more successful, in sales. Beginners love it and veterans sharpen their skills. This is perfect for those who want to sell with greater sales confidence.

Why Should You Enroll In The Sales Academy?

Find out what the #1 salespeople in all different industries (including yours) are doing and how you can do the same. You will also learn how to overcome your biggest challenge in the sales process. You will be closing more sales and bigger sales.

What Will You Learn In The Sales Academy?

Learn 15 different ways to differentiate what you sell. Develop your Ultimate Success Formula for selling. Perfect your story that never changes. Improve your organizational and communication skills.


See How Other Leaders Feel About This Academy

“Within one month of taking the Sales Academy, I closed my first two sales totaling more than $150,000!”


Terry Cutshaw

“I felt compelled to write you. As you know, we’ve had motivational speakers at our company in the past, but never felt that they had any significant impact on our business. After watching your Overcoming Price Objections DVD, we decided to have you come in and present your Sales Academy program to our entire sales force. I was a little bit hesitant about spending this much money on an outside speaker, knowing how resistant our sales force has been to listening to people unfamiliar with our business, but I could see how you won them over by taking the time to learn our terminology, our suppliers, and our selling style. By customizing your program to our industry and company, you reached even our 20 and 30-year veterans. I was thrilled to learn that our most successful sales person was the first to sign up for your coaching program. I could see how subtle phrasings like asking “if I…, would you…,” questions and asking prospects if we could “earn the right” to do business with them, could have such a major impact on our sales results. These techniques even helped me in my ability to negotiate deals in acquiring other companies. I saw our experienced sales people put what they learned in your training program into practice after the first couple of sessions, resulting in actual sales and opening doors we have not been able to get through for years. Thank you for the work you’ve done with our sales force. We look forward to having you in next to help our managers prepare for the increased sales volume and deliver legendary customer service by going through your Leadership Academy.”

BAPS, Owner

Dean Berkheimer

“When I signed up for the Sales Academy program, I was concerned about my sluggish sales. I never took a professional sales training program before so I wasn’t sure how effective the results would be. Because I was at my lowest point in sales, I figured I didn’t have anything to lose so I signed up for the Sales Academy. I also watched your Overcoming Price Objections DVD. What happened next was unbelievable. After the third week, I received a phone call from a prospect that I met 3 years earlier at a business expo. Although he never ordered from me before, he gave me an order for approximately $50,000.00 per year. When he asked me if I could do any better on the price, I followed your instructions and held firm. In the past, I would have probably cut my price. When I told him that it was non-negotiable, he said that would be OK. Over the next 5 years, that lesson will translate into $250,000.00 in new sales. I am so glad that I decided to take the Sales Academy program. Thanks for all your help.”

Brown's Graphic Solutions, President

Kurt M. Brown

“I met Dave Romeo and Harrisburg Area Regional Chamber mixer a little over a year ago. He had a chance to speak to me regarding a few of his services. Being at a Chamber mixer, I had an initial hesitation and originally shrugged him off as just another businessman trying to land a deal. When he followed up within the next few days with a hand written thank-you card and a warm telephone greeting, I started to realize that this guy is different than the other business coaches. I had a second chance to speak with him at another mixer and politely thanked him for the hand-written card and explained that it’s nice to see someone still doing that. Dave then invited me to one of his upcoming sales seminars. I agreed to give him the opportunity to win my business—a decision that have not regretted at all. When Dave suggested I take the Sales Academy I was little hesitant of the commitment, but now that I have completed Sales Academy, I know the skills that I learned from Dave Romeo will help me through my entire business career. One of the most important things I learned was how to make sure my message was clear enough for my prospects to understand. I highly recommend Dave to any business professionals who have goals of becoming better at what they do in business and in life. Thank You Dave!”

Digital Brand Identity, CEO

Nate Serino

“My husband and son took your Sales Academy last fall. Since we just opened our insurance agency, my husband Tony wanted me to take it as well, even though my background has been in the medical field. This was all very new to me. As an inexperienced salesperson, I felt like fish out of water when I came to the art. However, after employing just a few of the tidbits of wisdom you imparted, I now a sense of direction, accomplishment, and the confidence to move forward in this endeavor. I will remember to always start my day with the closest thing to money. I have even employed the goal setting instructions you taught us in order to lose 4 pounds since the beginning of the class. What your class contains is extremely valuable and just what I needed. It was definitely worth the money and the time investment. I would recommend the Sales Academy to anyone who is wandering aimlessly through their sales journey.”

Farmers Insurance

Sue Acri

“I signed up for the Sales Academy after noticing a huge drop in my sales. Even though I’ve been in my industry for 26 years, I still wanted to find out how to regain my focus. I had never taken any sales classes before. I looked into other training and found the price to be out of the ballpark. When I asked you how much you charged, I instantly decided to give you a try—especially because I knew you specialized in sales closing techniques. By the third week, I employed several of the techniques I learned from the Sales Academy and the Sales Mastery audio program. I talked a customer out of buying a more expensive product than she needed and earned her trust. I spent time building iron-clad credibility with another prospect. I used the story that never changes to express my passion for my business. I made sure I asked for the order. As a result, I closed $19,000 in business with three customers in one day! Thank you, Dave for delivering on your promise.”

Cottrell Basement Waterproofing, LLC, President

Denny Cottrell, Jr.

Instructor Bio:

Get to Know Your Instructor for this Academy

Dave Romeo's results-driven keynotes and seminars are not only captivating but transformative, offering audiences an exhilarating blend of entertainment, enlightenment, and inspiration. Renowned as an exceptional coach, Dave has a steady track record of propelling salespeople to unparalleled heights and cultivating managers into visionary leaders. Dave Romeo resides in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, alongside his devoted wife Kim, continuing to inspire, guide, and empower individuals to reach their zenith of achievement in both business and life.

Dave Romeo

Dave Romeo Online University: Founder & President

Become a Sales Leader

Close more deals, approach prospects with confidence, and exceed your sales goals this year!

Sales Academy Curriculum

The Sales Academy is a 5 part series broken down into digestible lessons.

  • 01


  • 02

    1: Professional Phone Sales

    • Worksheet: Professional Phone Sales, The Sales Academy

    • Lesson 1.01: Become One with Your Customer (5:24)

    • Lesson 1.02: Dave Romeo's Goal for You (6:39)

    • Lesson 1.03: Why Business Owners Love Salespeople with Expensive Hobbies (1:33)

    • Lesson 1.04: How to Achieve Telephone Sales Mastery - Creating Your Ultimate Success Formula (17:06)

    • Lesson 1.05: The 4 Keys to Top Sales Performance (4:24)

    • Lesson 1.06: The Top 15 Beliefs of Top Salespeople (6:55)

    • Lesson 1.07: How to Get Appointments with Decision-Makers, Part 1 (3:21)

    • Lesson 1.08: The Ultimate Service Provider Mindset (2:01)

    • Homework: Ultimate Service Provider Mindset

    • Lesson 1.09: The Top 11 Success Formulas for Top Salespeople - Mastering Your Ultimate Success Formula (14:29)

    • Lesson 1.10: The Top 15 Mental Preparation and Body Language Steps of Top Salespeople (5:01)

    • Lesson 1.11: Learning How to Use the Only 4 Benefits People Buy (11:00)

    • Lesson 1.12: The Top 15 Strategies for Successful Phone Sales (15:46)

    • Lesson 1.13: Wrapping Up with Some Lessons About Dealing with Failure (2:39)

    • Homework: What is your Ultimate Success Formula and Trigger?

    • Homework: Make 20 Calls with Ultimate Success Formula

  • 03

    2: The Organized Sales Professional

    • Part 2 - Sales Academy - The Organized Sales Professional

    • 1-Why you should always ask for the order

    • 2-Reviewing your organized sales professional checklist

    • 3-Improving your telephone sales calls results

    • 4-Putting goalsetting to work on your sales results

    • 5-Asking for the order in your own words

    • 6-How to get appointments with decision-makers (Part II)

    • 7-Dave Romeo demonstrates his Ultimate Success Formula for selling seminars

    • 8-Learn what 1% of your sales looks like

  • 04

    3: The Ultimate Sales Professional

    • Part 3 - Sales Academy - Becoming the Ultimate Sales Professional

    • 1-How to dress for success-Tracking your sales call results-Becoming The Ultimate Service Provider

    • 2-Becoming the Ultimate Service Provider-Case study of Dave Romeo Seminars

    • 3-How to create the mindset of an Ultimate Service Provider

    • 4- Why we should pray for problems

    • 5-How to get the world's best testimonials

    • 6-How much diligent commitment is too much

  • 05

    4: Regaining Your Focus

    • Part 4 - Sales Academy - Regaining Your Focus

    • 1-Reviewing great testimonials-Reviewing Ultimate Success Formulas and their benefits

    • 2-How to regain your focus (Part I)-Understanding your critical number ratios

    • 3-How to regain your focus (Part II)

    • 4-How to break a downward spiral-Searching for pearls

    • 5-Learning about the story that never changes-Dave Romeo demonstrates his story that never changes

    • 6-Power statements for mastering sales confidence

    • 7-Wrapping up with a story about great news

  • 06

    5: Slump Proof

    • Part 5 - Sales Academy - Slump Proof

    • 1-Reviewing the story that never changes-How to get to the front of the buffet line of life

    • 2-How to stay organized using a sales activity barometer

    • 3-The water bucket demonstration-Never take your customers for granted-Developing a slump-proof mindset(Part I)

    • 4-Developing a slump-proof mindset

    • 5-Thoroughly penetrate your accounts-Validate from beginning to end

    • 6-Keeping your pipeline filled

    • 7-Knowing why your prospects will buy from you

    • 8-How to consistently deliver great performance

    • 9-5 great ways to find overlooked sales

    • 10-How to stay on track for continued success

    • 11-Sales Academy final review and inspirational message by Paul Kohler

    • 12-Sales Academy conclusion

  • 07

    Thank You

    • Thank You!

Join the Sales Academy!

Close more deals, approach prospects with confidence, and exceed your sales goals this year!